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About Us

We take care of your <b data-src=future">
Why chose us

We take care of your future

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Our process

Step by step
how we do it



Market Research

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Financial Consulting

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Project Management

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PR & Marketing

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This is our team


Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Jonathan Web

CEO & Founder

Hi there!

Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Theresa Watson

Human relationships


Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Ronald Henry

Strategic advisor
Limited offer

Schedule a free consultation

Laretta Allen
Allen Insurance Group, LLC
Financial Professional

Laretta Allen

I was born in Chicago, Illinois, the first of seven children. Although my God-fearing parents provided for us all, I quickly learned the importance of financial literacy and financial stability.

After completing my education, I worked in the corporate world for 20 years. During this time, I married and had two beautiful children.
Unfortunately, tragedy struck. Without warning, my husband died. I was now a single mother with two minor children, living in Arizona without much support.

Life comes to you fast when you think everything is going well. My husband’s death increased my financial burden. As like most people, I never contemplated a catastrophic event happening to me in my early 40s.
Like many, I did not have the appropriate life insurance coverage or estate planning in place. The life I envisioned for myself, and my family was no longer feasible. I had to relocate with my children to Louisiana.

I quickly realized I needed to educate myself on financial matters. I learned that I did not know what I did not know. During my search, I fortunately found information about the National Financial Literacy Campaign that offered free financial workshops.
These workshops were instrumental in helping me to become a savvy, knowledgeable financial educator.

As a result of implementing the knowledge I have gained, I now own my own home outright and started several profitable businesses including Allen Insurance Group, LLC providing employment opportunities for many. I am affiliated with financial service companies to provide the most resources for all your needs.

Please join me and the National Financial Literacy Campaign whose goal is to financially educate 30 million people by 2030.
You and your family will be in the position to create your own financial success story.

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